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Hourly Web Edits


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You have a WordPress website, and you have some issues with it. It’s not performing the way it should, or you’re just unhappy with the way it looks. Whatever the reason, you need someone to help.

Fixing up your WordPress website on your own is time-consuming and tedious, or you don’t have the experience to do so.

The only alternative is to hire a web designer who can cost you upwards of $300.00 or more.

If you don’t have the time or energy to fix your WordPress website on your own, then purchase our web edits, and we will take care of it for you in just a few hours for a fraction of the cost of a new website.

Why Do You Need Hourly Website Edits?

A website is a thoughtful and important investment, but sometimes it’s complicated to find the right person or team to develop your website.

You want someone who will listen to you, take your dreams for your site, and turn them into a reality using the best technology for that purpose.

An hourly-based ‘deal’ with an independent freelancer can seem like the perfect solution. To be honest, it really is. Decent value, cost-effective, and all the support you need.

If your website has a problem that’s holding you back, let us take care of it for you on an hourly basis. We can either solve the specific issue or provide expert advice on how to fix an ongoing problem without having to commit to paying any more than you need to pay.

Building a website takes time takes money and takes away the freedom to do other things.

We’ll fix your website in no time! And it won’t cost you an arm and a leg like a new site would. Get your website working for you by hiring me to deliver fixes for all kinds of issues. We can fix broken links, update outdated content, set up upgrades on your hosting, or even help show you how to edit your content.